Water Play

Water Play

Water Play gives out many chances to set up great motor abilities throughout multiple ages. Kids will increase their motor skills and hand-eye coordination through actions like putting, spraying, scrubbing, squeezing, and stirring.

It's an incredible sensory experience presenting them to textures (slippy, slimy, etc.) and temperature levels. These plays at GIS have been at the top for many pre-school students as they also develop these big arm muscles for them!

Water play launches energy; it can be both stimulating and relaxing for children.

It increases their capability to focus on one activity when provided as a repeated and serene activity (scooping, putting, and running their hands through the water). Mild water play allows them to loosen up away from the studies.

It also motivates life education and other important social abilities, like cooperation and sharing.

Playing in water is like playing in a brand new playground where even the easiest activities, like clapping your hands or leaping is an entirely new sensory experience. Water also includes resistance, so water play activities work as strength training.

Swimming establishes muscles and motor abilities and helps improve coordination. Kicking motions engage the core and can help kids find out how to balance between both sides of their bodies to move through the water. When kids swim, dance, toss things, or practice any motion in the water, they're establishing coordination.

Water play allows kids to connect and check out with each other. Since water play generally happens in a certain area with a couple of materials, kids practise sharing and working together while engaging in play. There are lots of chances for interaction improvements and social development throughout water play!

At GIS, we enjoy seeing the interactions that the kids have around water play. What a simple method to deal with school preparedness!